Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014 Spring Portfolio Links

I need your portfolio links. As you move closer to your senior years, your portfolios should become more and more impressive. Make sure you are constantly updating your resume. It will save you time when you are seeking internships and/or that first job.

Please comment on this post with the URL to your site. You will be responsible for including work for this course on your online portfolio site. Refer to the checklists below to make sure your site rocks.

Portfolio Checklist 

(Saved in course admin folder in MM431)

1.  Does Regina have my link? (Post them as a comment on the “portfolio post” at

2.     Do I have a visible resume on my site?

3.     Do I have a pdf version of a resume that interested employers can download? (file name needs to be your name)

4.     Are all graphics and photos relevant to a professional portfolio and appropriate?

5.     Consider having links to any published work.

6.     Need to have visible work samples online – future employers do not want to download 50 files (make sure all of your file names include your name)

7.     Consider having ONE pdf for writing samples and ONE pdf for design work that can be downloaded. You should include a cover page with your contact info, a short table of contents that will allow you to explain the work included and then 3-5 samples)

8.     Make sure photos have cutlines and all work has descriptions. Indicate programs used for editing, equipment used to create work, etc. This all speaks to your skill.

9.     We expect your portfolio to be aimed at a future employer. Try to think of what will stand out and make it easy and simple for someone to see how terrific you are!

10. Use social media. Add a linked in button, FB (if appropriate) and Twitter. I think LinkedIn is the most important for this site.

11. Consider having a button or link to your “contact me” form on every page. Once I like your stuff, let me contact you right away.

12. Make sure every single link on your site works and that info is up-to-date.

Resume Checklist

11. Will it still look good in B/W and/or on a copier?

2.     Avoid full color backgrounds – print on color paper instead – why? Employers like to make notes on resumes.

3.     Objective statements need to be specific to every company where you apply. “Seeking entry-level graphic design position at jones huyett Partners” or “Seeking sports reporter position at Topeka Capital-Journal” It’s not necessary to include this on resume.

4.     Make sure you list your degree (bachelor of arts) major, emphasis, minor and graduation month and year (do not say expected or anticipated)

5.     Employment goes in reverse order, from present to oldest

6.     Activities/Honors should only be listed from university years – no high school stuff on resume

7.     Don’t hyphenate on resumes

8.     Resumes need to highlight your skills and abilities quickly

9.     Include the link to your portfolio on your resumes

10. Remember, your goal is to stand out from the pile and quickly communicate your awesome skills.